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Garganey Consulting is an independent consultancy business based in North Devon, UK and run by Chris Dee.

Chris has a degree in Zoology (MA, Oxford University) and extensive experience in the management and analysis of large biological datasets, with a key focus on accuracy and clear data presentation. He has a broad knowledge of electronic data formats and their application to biological data.

He was the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) Regional Representative for Hertfordshire from 1990 until 2015, organising national bird survey work in the county. As a member of the Herts Bird Club committee he also helped to co-ordinate local survey and monitoring efforts with the national projects. During his time in Hertfordshire Chris was a regular contributor to the annual Hertfordshire Bird Report.

Chris holds a UK bird-ringing trainer license, was an active member of the Rye Meads Ringing Group for over 30 years and a founder member of the North Thames Gull Group. He has expanded bird ringing activities since moving to Devon in 2015 and is now heavily involved with Lundy Bird Observatory and the Devon & Cornwall Wader Ringing Group, as well as contributing to the PiedFly Network.

Chris is particularly interested in the use of web and other evolving technologies to engage volunteers in environmental monitoring.

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